Best Arthur C Clarke Books

Best Arthur C. Clarke Books Ranked

Sir Arthur Charles Clarke was one of the most prolific science fiction authors of all-time. Best known for writing 2001: Space Odyssey, Clarke also wrote the screenplay for the 1968 film of the same name and was a television host, futurist, inventor, and undersea explorer. 

He won numerous Nebula and Hugo awards for his writings, and he was considered one of the ā€œBig 3ā€ of science fiction writers, along with Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein. He moved to Sri Lanka in 1956 to explore his love of scuba diving and stayed there until his death in 2008 at the age of 90. 

Below are some of his best books.

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39. The Ghost From the Grand Banks

The Ghost from the Grand Banks (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)
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Nearly 100 years after the sinking of the Titanic, the sunken ship is raised and six bodies are found. Unfortunately, one of the bodies is identified but her name isnā€™t found on the passenger list. So begins the quest to identify her, which ends up being fatal for one person.

38. The Last Theorem

The Last Theorem: A Novel
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This is the story of a Sri Lankan man who is working to solve Fermatā€™s last theorem while he is still in college.

In the meantime, aliens are trying to decide how to destroy mankind. They start with a pact between the U.S., China, and Russia, and the plot thickens from there.

37. Cradle

Cradle (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)
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A new missile is tested by the Marines but after launch, it mysteriously disappears. In Miami, whales are discovered and a journalist wants to know why. Suddenly, these two stories start to mesh and all of the answers are provided.

36. Richter 10

Richter 10 (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)
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Lewis Craneā€™s family was taken from him by an earthquake, and 30 years later he is a leading seismologist trying to predict when the next earthquake will happen. Unfortunately, when he discovers the next ā€œbig oneā€ is on its way, no one believes him. Whatā€™s he supposed to do now?

35. 3001: The Final Odyssey

3001: The Final Odyssey (Space Odyssey Series Book 4)
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Frank Poole has been frozen in space, forgotten, for 1,000 years. Now he has come back to life and finds himself in a world totally unlike the one he left behind. Even worse, the planet they thought was destroyed, the Monolith, seems to be stirring up again and coming back to life.

34. 2061: Odyssey Three

2061: Odyssey Three (Space Odyssey Series Book 3)
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This is book number three in the Space Odyssey series and tells the story of two expeditions into space that suddenly become intertwined with one another. It involves an alien race that wants mankind to be involved in the galaxyā€™s evolution ā€“ even if they donā€™t want to do so.

33. The Deep Range

The Deep Range (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)
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One hundred years into the future, the population of Earth gets its food mainly from the sea, including whale products and plankton farms. Walter Franklin is the hero and is in charge of making sure the oceans and farms keep providing what is needed to sustain everyone, until he starts to run into troubles under the ocean.

32. The Hammer of God

The Hammer of God
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In the year 2110, technology has made life on earth practically perfect, and now it is considered the Golden Age. But when an astronomer notices something headed toward Earth that has the potential to kill everyone, a starship is sent out to divert it, but at what cost? How can this be done?

31. Rama II

Rama II
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Decades after a Raman vessel enters the solar system, another one comes along. A crew is sent to the vessel to find out what itā€™s all about, but they are unprepared for what they find and for the conflicts that start to arise between them.

30. Prelude to Space

Prelude to Space
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The making of Earthā€™s first true spaceship, the Prometheus, and the men who made it happen are the subject of this book, which includes descriptions of each of the men ā€“ a space adventurer, a direct general of interplanetary, and a leading atomic engineer.

29. Dolphin Island

Dolphin Island (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)
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When a cargo hovership makes an emergency landing to make repairs, a teenager hops on board. Later, an explosion causes the crew to escape, but the teen is rescued by a pod of dolphins. A very unique and interesting coming-of-age story.

28. Time’s Eye

Time's Eye (Time Odyssey Book 1)
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What makes this book so interesting is the collection of people from different time periods who get swept up together in a completely different era. Add to that the number of large spherical eyes that are popping up everywhere, and you get some idea of what makes it such an unusual and exciting story.

27. Earthlight

Earthlight (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)
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Two hundred years after the moon landing, there are now populations on the moon, Venus, and Mars. There are also political entities on all three, and thatā€™s where the trouble comes in.

26. Imperial Earth

Imperial Earth
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Itā€™s the year 2176 and America is getting ready for its quincentennial. Duncan is traveling from Titan to Earth, but he is not prepared for everything he starts to encounter once he gets there. To make it more interesting, he is also there to look for a woman he met years earlier.

25. Rama Revealed

Rama Revealed
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Book number four in the Rama series deals with the cliffhanger found at the end of the last book. It follows the story of Nicole and her escape from prison described in that book.

24. The Garden of Rama

The Garden of Rama
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In the 22nd century, Rama has arrived in the solar system and it is huge. Eighty years later, a second alien spaceship has arrived and Earth is waiting. The problem is, Earth is still not prepared for what they find with this ship, so no one can predict what will happen next.

23. Beyond the Fall of Night

Beyond the Fall of Night
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This was a novella written by Clarke but expanded into a full-size novel by Gregory Benford. It is set billions of years in the future and describes human destiny among the stars.

Diaspar is all thatā€™s left of humanity, but a boy named Alvin wants to explore the world beyond that city and attempts to do just that, even though he doesnā€™t know how.

22. Firstborn

Firstborn (Time Odyssey Book 3)
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This is the final book in the Time Odyssey trilogy and provides information that will make the first two books make more sense. It is also filled with new weapons and new strangeness, and it wonā€™t bore you!

21. Islands in the Sky

Islands in the Sky
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With constant excitement, the story centers on a young man who wins a contest and asks for a shot at the space station as a prize. What happens next will keep you entertained for a while.

20. Glide Path

Glide Path (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)
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Clarkeā€™s only non-science fiction novel, it starts in WWII and the development of an aircraft landing system. Luis Alvarez developed the system, and this is his story. 

19. The Sands of Mars

The Sands of Mars
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Published in 1951, this story centers around Mars and its human inhabitants. Mars has been settled but is basically being used for research. This was Clarkeā€™s first published novel.

18. The Trigger

The Trigger
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A trigger has been developed that can destroy munitions at will, despite where they are located. The problem is, the world may not be ready for such technology, and if they are, will it be used for good or for bad purposes?

17. Sunstorm

Sunstorm (Time Odyssey Book 2)
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Book number two in the Time Odyssey series, it tells the story of Bisesa Dutt, who is being reunited with her daughter. And now, her body is aging faster than itā€™s supposed to, which directly affects the rest of the story.

16. 2010: Odyssey Two

2010: Odyssey Two (Space Odyssey Series Book 2)
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This is the sequel to the 1968 2001: A Space Odyssey. It is set in 2010 and describes a joint American-Soviet mission aboard the Soviet spacecraft The Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. The mission has several objectives, which include investigating the ā€œmonolithā€ discovered in 2001.

15. Reach for Tomorrow

Reach for Tomorrow
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This is a collection of some of Clarkeā€™s short stories, which include Technical Error, The Awakening, The Parasite, Jupiter Five, A Walk in the Dark, and The Forgotten Enemy, among others.

14. The Wind From the Sun

The Wind from the Sun: Stories of the Space Age
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This is a collection of short stories that includes The Food of the Gods, where man thrives on synthetic foods; The Secret, where something fishy is going on in a lab on the moon; and The Last Command, where a commander makes his last command on a prerecorded device after mankind is essentially gone, along with several others.

13. The Songs of Distant Earth

The Songs of Distant Earth
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In a utopian human colony, apocalyptic, utopian, and atheistic ideas shape everything that is happening there, and it starts when a group of travelers from a doomed Earth visit the colony

12. Tales of Ten Worlds

MR (E) Tales Of Ten Worlds (Macmillan Readers 2005)
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This is another collection of short stories written by Clarke and include Let There Be Light, Into the Comet, Hate, I Remember Babylon, A Slight Case of Sunstroke, and Death and the Senator, among others.

11. A Fall of Moondust

A Fall of Moondust (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)
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In the 21st century, the moon is inhabited by people, and when a boat named Selene sinks with passengers in it, they have to figure out how to stay alive until help arrives. The book was also the very first science fiction book to be made into a Readerā€™s Digest Condensed Book

10. Expedition to Earth

Expedition to Earth (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)
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Another collection of some of Clarkeā€™s best science fiction stories, it includes tales such as Hide and Seek, Second Dawn, History Lesson, The Sentinel, Loophole, and Exile of the Eons, to name a few.

9. The Light of Other Days

The Light of Other Days: A Novel of the Transformation of Humanity
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This story was written by Stephen Baxter but is based on a synopsis written by Arthur C. Clarke. It is about the development of wormhole technology that allows information to be passed between points in the space-time continuum instantaneously.

8. The Other Side of the Sky

The Other Side of the Sky
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Originally published in 1958, it is a collection of stories by Arthur C. Clarke and includes Refugee, No Morning After, Security Check, The Other Side of the Sky (which consists of six different vignettes), Publicity Campaign, Out of the Sun, and Cosmic Casanova, as well as a few others.

7. The Fountains of Paradise

The Fountains of Paradise
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In the 22nd century, a space elevator is being constructed so that payloads can be raised to orbit without having to use rockets, which saves a lot of money. It reaches 22,300 miles, and the story has a background that consists of two other smaller stories. The book won both the Nebula and Hugo awards for Best Novel.

6. Against the Fall of Night

Against the Fall of Night
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Diaspar is the last human city, and Alvin is the first child to be born in 7,000 years. So Alvin sets out to find out everything he can about this world of his, with some very surprising results.

5. The City and the Stars

The City and the Stars (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)
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In the city of Diaspar, one billion years into the future, the oceans are gone and so is most of humanity. Even worse, there is an intense fear of going anywhere near outside of the city, and the city itself is governed by a computer. A very interesting read.

4. Childhood’s End

Childhood's End (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)
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A peaceful alien invasion has occurred on Earth, and the planet will remain in utopia as long as humans agree to give up two things: their culture and their identity. It was published in 1953 and tells the story of the Overlords who have taken over the earth.

3. Rendezvous with Rama

Rendezvous with Rama
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In the 2130s, a cylindrical alien starship enters the Solar System, and the story is told from a group of human explorersā€™ point of view. It won both the Nebula and the Hugo awards and it is considered one of Clarkeā€™s best novels, and one of the books that resulted in his popularity.

2. The Nine Billion Names of God

The Nine Billion Names of God
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The Science Fiction Writers of America voted this short story one of the best science fiction short stories ever written. Published in 1953, it is the story of a group of monks who use technology to come up with all of the possible names for God.

They believe that once the task is complete, the universe will end and God will take everyone home.

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey

2001: A Space Odyssey (Space Odyssey Series)
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Arguably one of Clarkeā€™s most infamous works, it tells the story of a trip to Jupiter with a computer named HAL. It is scientifically accurate and deals with issues related to human evolution, technology, artificial intelligence, existentialism, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

Complete Rankings of Arthur C. Clarke Books

RankBook TitleGoodreadsLibraryThingOverall
12001: A Space Odyssey4.153.994.07
2The Nine Billion Names of God4.064.044.05
3Rendezvous With Rama4.103.954.03
4Childhood’s End4.103.934.02
5The City and the Stars4.083.934.01
6Against the Fall of Night3.993.783.89
7The Fountains of Paradise3.963.783.87
8The Other Side of the Sky4.023.693.86
9The Light of Other Days3.993.713.85
10Expedition to Earth3.953.723.84
11A Fall of Moondust3.893.713.80
12Tales of Ten Worlds4.013.583.80
13The Songs of Distant Earth3.913.683.80
14The Wind from the Sun3.993.583.79
15Reach for Tomorrow3.863.673.77
162010: Odyssey Two3.923.603.76
18The Trigger3.743.573.66
19The Sands of Mars3.733.533.63
20Glide Path3.743.513.63
21Islands in the Sky3.753.493.62
23Beyond the Fall of Night3.743.473.61
24The Garden of Rama3.803.403.60
25Rama Revealed3.763.423.59
26Imperial Earth3.743.443.59
28Time’s Eye3.723.433.58
29Dolphin Island3.633.483.56
30Prelude to Space3.623.463.54
31Rama II3.703.333.52
32The Hammer of God3.693.343.52
33The Deep Range3.643.383.51
342061: Odyssey Three3.593.213.40
353001: The Final Odyssey3.573.163.37
36Richter 103.483.163.32
38The Last Theorem3.253.193.22
39The Ghost from the Grand Banks3.313.113.21

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